Join us in Showing Up for Youth Right Now!
We are launching a campaign to raise $100,000 to disrupt the violence that surrounds girls and gender expansive youth.
“What I gained from LEAP was the courage to say no and the courage to stand up for myself, physically and mentally.” — Tiffany L.
Some of the ways you can Show Up for Youth Right Now:
Just some of the ways you can Show Up for Youth Right Now:
- Host a Girls’ LEAP workshop for your family and friends
- Gather your network to hear from our Teen Mentors about their lives
- Reach out to your network to engage them in supporting LEAP
- Host a dinner, wine-tasting or a bake-off
- Allow us to use your name in our appeal
“Only 1.6% of all U.S. charitable giving is directed towards women and girls.”
—Women’s Foundation of Boston
Join an organization that changes lives.
“Girls’ LEAP is my home. A place where you learn to believe in yourself.” —Mah C.
10-14 year-olds are MOST at risk of sexual assaults
90% of all victims of sexual assaults are girls
We work to disrupt the violence that surrounds all girls and gender expansive youth by amplifying their voices, emboldening their courage, and imparting critical life and self-defense skills so they can take on challenges with confidence.
LEAP’s theory of change
- Girls and gender expansive youth recognize and develop their physical strength by practicing physical self-defense
- Experiencing the power in their bodies gives them the confidence to use their voices, set boundaries, create healthy relationships and develop into leaders
Our core offerings
- 10-week after-school program for age 8-18
- Teen Mentor Program
- College-age Teaching Assistant Program
- Diversity Fellowships
- Custom workshops
Join a team of community leaders.
Join a team of community leaders who are passionate about enabling girls and gender expansive youth to grow into powerful, capable adults, realizing the promise of their aspirations.
Alkia Powell
Campaign Chair
Sheena Collier
Girls’ LEAP Staff and Board of Directors
“We can’t wait until girls and nonbinary youth grow into adults and discover their voices and their power. They are at risk now.” —Lynn M.
Thank you for showing up for youth right now! Click on her name to reach Alkia for details!