Youth need us more than ever today.
Show up for youth by giving a generous donation!
Showing Up for Youth Today!
The youth we work with are showing up for each other, showing up for their families and showing up for themselves. They are resilient and resourceful.
LEAP has been a game changer for many of them. We’ve boosted their confidence and their skills in navigating the unrelenting challenges the world throws their way today. These youth are doing more than surviving; they are thriving.
Youth need us more than ever to make sure they can rise above all that stands in their way today. Join us to make that possible.
Show up for your youth by giving!
“Yes, I have used LEAP skills daily. First knowing my voice is important, knowing when to speak my truth and seek help and encouraging others to do the same. "
— LEAP participant
Will you show up for girls and gender-expansive youth across Boston?
We are launching a campaign to raise $120,000 to expand our programming that disrupts the violence that surrounds girls and gender-expansive youth. Your gift will be matched dollar for dollar by a generous group of donors.
"My favorite reflective skill was thinking about who are my advocates. It gave me the sense there is always someone there for me."
— LEAP participant
Why Show Up for Girls’ LEAP Now?
10-14 year-olds are MOST at risk of sexual assaults
90% of all victims of sexual assaults are girls
79% Due to the pandemic, 79% of girls are currently experiencing unprecedented levels of isolation/loneliness and 25% experience depression. Rox Institute, 2020
32% of teen girls say Instagram makes them feel worse about themselves, leading to depression, anxiety, and eating disorders according to experts WSJ, 2021
We work to disrupt the violence that surrounds all girls and gender expansive youth by amplifying their voices, emboldening their courage, and imparting critical life and self-defense skills so they can take on challenges with confidence. Through our programming...
- Girls and gender expansive youth recognize and develop their physical strength by practicing physical self-defense.
- Experiencing the power in their bodies gives them the confidence to use their voices, set boundaries, create healthy relationships and develop into leaders.
"What I gained from LEAP was the courage to say no and having the courage to stand up for myself, physically and mentally. ”
— Tiffany, LEAP participant
"Girls’ LEAP, girls that leap? I love leaping, I love reaching to my better self, I love knowing how to protect myself, and I love Girls’ LEAP. "
— Micky Y., Teen Mentor
We need you.
Only 1.6% of all U.S. charitable giving is directed towards women and girls.
Join us in showing up for girls and gender expansive youth in Greater Boston.
"Last night’s program was amazing. Very informational and inclusive of other’s identity. I felt it was a program that was needed because it allows us to grow and make everyone, staff and participants alike, feel welcomed.”
— M.C., Teen Mentor