Program Metrics
Girls’ LEAP empowers girls and gender expansive youth through an affirming community of peers and caring adults.
Girls’ LEAP supports girls and gender expansive youth in securing their own safety and empowering their own well-being.
Conflicts and Fighting
Girls’ LEAP keeps girls and gender expansive youth safe by teaching them skills to resolve conflicts without physical fighting.
Girls’ LEAP participants complete standardized pre- and post-program survey to collect quantitative data about safety skills, self-awareness, self-confidence, attitudes towards conflicts and fighting, and sense of support. Staff also collect personal empowerment stories in participants' own words that provide additional context to quantitative data.
According to 2019-2020 Girls’ LEAP surveys, among LEAP program graduates:
- 93% reported they did something to keep themselves safe
- 94% reported using an assertive voice to set a boundary
- 100% believed there are a lot of things they can do to make sure they are safe
- 100% believed they can work out their problems without a physical fight
- 50% more reported feeling better at telling adults and peers about their feelings
- 100% said there is an adult who cares about them
In addition, Girls’ LEAP partners with Boston After School & Beyond (BASAB) to conduct external third-party evaluations that ensure program quality. Using the National Institute on Out of School Time (NIOST) Survey of Academic and Youth Outcomes – Youth version (SAYO Y), participants reflect upon their program experiences and opportunities to develop social-emotional skills. In addition, certified observers conduct site visits using the Assessment of Program Practices Tool (APPT). The APPT captures additional data points including, but not limited to, emotional control, critical thinking, teamwork, engagement, and choice and autonomy.
Beginning in Summer 2020, Girls' LEAP started collecting data about the impact of our virtual programs to understand the effectiveness of online vs. in-person programming. We were pleased to see that we were achieving the same or better results in surveys from BASAB. Furthermore, the third-party evaluation conducted by Boston After School & Beyond found that:
- 100% of LEAP programs had a strong (4/4 points) social-emotional environment
- 100% of participants felt that “staff help spark youth’s interest/curiosity”
- 100% of participants learned something new
- 100% of participants “felt challenged” in a positive way
“The relationships between staff and youth were obvious and genuine, a clear strength of this program. The ongoing theme of self-confidence and empowerment was embedded in all activities.”