Michelle Cove
Director of Communications at Experience Camps; Founder of MEDIAGIRLS
“Youth often have the most creative and thoughtful solutions to the big societal problems that affect them. We just have to ask the right questions, listen and encourage them to advocate in ways that make sense for them. We can also point them to young role models; for all the problems of the media, I love that it is exposing teens regularly to activists their own age who are organizing to make bold changes."
When Michelle’s daughter was growing into a teenager, Michelle became hyper-aware of how media can crush young girls’ self-esteem, setting unrealistic expectations and fixating on physical beauty, making them feel inadequate.
As an award-winning documentary filmmaker, journalist, and national bestselling author, Michelle knew this needed to change and had the tools to do it. In 2014, she founded MEDIAGIRLS to empower girls and young women through media. Serving as its Executive Director for 6 years, Michelle imbued MEDIAGIRLS with positive energy and respect for young people that boost the confidence of everyone the program reaches.
Michelle’s projects have been featured in “The Today Show,” The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. She is currently the Director of Communications at Experience Camps for grieving children, an award-winning national nonprofit that transforms the lives of grieving children through summer camp programs and innovative, year-round initiatives.
In 2022, when MEDIAGIRLS shut down, they asked Girls’ LEAP to integrate the curriculum into our programming. We are honored to continue Michelle’s work.