Nurys Camargo
Commissioner, Cannabis Control Commission
“I stand up for women and never move in fear! Always take up space and never dim your light for anyone. Love what you do and do what you love!"
As a leader in the community, Nurys has dedicated herself to forging opportunities and access for communities of color. Nurys holds a BS in Criminal Justice from Mount Ida College and an MA in Public Administration from Baruch College through the National Urban Fellows Program.
In 2011, she founded Chica Project, a leadership development program, to close the opportunity gap for young Latinas and other women of color by empowering them with the skills and tools necessary to thrive personally and professionally.
In January 2021, she was appointed to a five-year term by Governor Baker, Attorney General Healey, and State Treasurer Goldberg as a Commissioner on the Cannabis Control Commission for Massachusetts as the Social Justice Chair.
As our Teen Mentors learn the skills to amplify their own advocacy efforts, Nurys is an inspiration and a model.